For those of you who are trying to cut back on red meats, this is a great chicken recipe!! Full of flavor and savory fun!! Serve over hot, fluffy rice...
This Spanish diablo chicken dish was a hit with me and my husband who love spicy food. The recipe tastes similar to Buffalo wings, but without all the...
This only takes about 25 minutes to make. Very easy and fabulous flavor! This is very popular in Thailand. They sell this on the streets as well as in...
This grilled chicken recipe is the perfect compliment of sweet and savory. This recipe pairs well with grilled vegetables or a nice, light spinach salad....
This is a recipe that was posted down from my family in Mississippi. Although I live in New York City, I still enjoy all the southern foods. Served best...
I wanted to make a quick and light recipe using quinoa, and I had some asparagus and red peppers in the fridge -- who knew that the combination could taste...
This Spanish diablo chicken dish was a hit with me and my husband who love spicy food. The recipe tastes similar to Buffalo wings, but without all the...
Poached chicken has much more flavor and a better taste than boiled chicken. If you want to eat more lean protein, give this recipe a try. I like to eat...
Tired of everything being spicy and looking for a quick, nice dinner with a subtle flavor? Try this! Chicken breasts are laid on a bed of broccoli, and...
My neighbor made this dish at a barbecue and I had to have the recipe. It is so easy and you will be surprised what a wonderful flavor the peaches give...
Use your Instant Pot® to turn frozen chicken breasts, basmati rice, and whatever veggies you have on hand into a filling and delicious dinner on those...
Mayonnaise and soup stirred into cooked chicken breast and rice with a little onion/celery saute, then topped with slivered almonds and cereal crumbs....
These coconut-mango chicken meal prep bowls with basmati rice, corn salsa, and an easy mango marinade are a delicious way to prep your lunches for the...
Try this Bourbon-spiked alternative to buttery hot sauce for your next Buffalo chicken wrap. It's a sweet sauce with a spicy red pepper kick! I've doubled...
Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
I work in a corporate office, and our cafe has a wrap station every Friday. I got hooked on the California club chicken wraps so I watched closely and...